zondag 5 juli 2020

Holland Acht – Maarten Hurkmans: "Ik wil dat rolmodel voor Biseksuelen zijn"

Maarten Hurkmans Biseksualiteit  →  Roeier Maarten Hurkmans  een reus van ruim twee meter uit de Holland Acht  maakte maan- dag 29 juni op Instagram bekend dat hij Biseksueel is. Hij hoopt een debat op gang te brengen om anders te gaan denken.

Zie ook:  
Wereldtopper Maarten Hurkmans open over zijn Biseksualiteit ‼  Michiel Tuik | "Supergoed wat Maarten Hurkmans doet" ‼  
WorldRowing.com | "Maarten Hurkmans"  /  Roeier Maarten Hurkmans doet Coming-Out als Biseksueel   Maarten Hurkmans
bronnen: Trouw.nl / Instagram.com – Maarten Hurkmans

Are you your unapologetic self? ⠀ ⠀ Everyone that knows me will say that I’m very unapologetically me. I have a clear presence, you can always read my mood straight of my face, and I can be the absolute worst morning person. I am also bisexual, something that I consider to be an important part of who I am.⠀ ⠀ For many people, sexuality is not something to consider much. However, for many LGBTQ+ people, a lot of time and anxiety can go into discovering, accepting and reconciling themselves with their sexuality. I am very lucky to have been brought up by amazing parents in an open and accepting environment, and luckily, I have never experienced my sexuality as much of a burden. Not everyone shares my experience though. ⠀ ⠀ It can be hard to come out, especially in sports. Not many elite athletes identify as LGBTQ+ and there are few role models to look up to and show that it doesn’t matter and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. I am 2.01m, 110kgs, proud of who I am, and I row at the elite level. To many, I do not fit the stereotype, but I do want to be an example to anyone that feels like they can’t be their true self.⠀ ⠀ Identifying as part of the LGBTQ+ community does not make you less masculine, or able to compete and win. In the end, we all line up at the same starting line with the same anticipation as we endure those final minutes before the start. Equally tense and ready for the green light. ⠀ ⠀ #pride
Een bericht gedeeld door Maarten Hurkmans (@maartenhurkmans) op